Monday, July 8, 2013

Hijacked Name

I'll be honest, I was browsing around a Business Social Network I visit often and clicked a link to this blog, but it told me it was not registered. What the heck, I know there was at least one link to it so I grabbed it.

The truth is I have been involved in making Free Internet Money for about 13 years (since I retired) and if you want to learn how, I can help you.

The first easy method I will outline here, is writing posts (about the size of this one)and they can even be about making money online (which is often taboo). Not only that, but he hands out free deals and you can get super-cheap advertising (as cheap as free) to targeted prospects.

Just get a free account, look around for a while (but not too long) then write a post. The reason I say not too long is because you don't want the Law of Diminishing Intent to have a chance to set in. That states that the longer you wait to do what you know you want to, the greater the chance is that you never will.

Have some fun and do it every day, it will surprise you!

Click Here To See It (yes, I get a quarter if you use my link and get active)

If you need help, Skype oldbuddy70 (that's free too)